Donations made with Love

1st Donation made to the Monte Moriá daycare center.

Your Donation Can Change the Lives of Many Autistic Children

selective focus photography of girl crying
selective focus photography of girl crying
woman hugging boy on her lap
woman hugging boy on her lap

Donate using wallet addresses

USDT(bep20): 0xFFC18CB440B0CDCa072caa0A3DFcA6c049d9262b

BNB (bep20): 0xFFC18CB440B0CDCa072caa0A3DFcA6c049d9262b

Bitcoin: bc1q26xaqacdettyc86du9wfyty54ytq3vcfudzr4n

Etherium: 0xFFC18CB440B0CDCa072caa0A3DFcA6c049d9262b

We would be grateful if you could share a link to this website so that more people can know about our project and learn more about how to donate and change the lives of many autistic children